Friday, November 2, 2007

Crusaders who get naked

Please note the addition of the prettydumbthings blog to my blog roll. This site is kind of a hub of the stripper-literati discourse, as written by Chelsea G. Summers. I quite like her brand of feminist parsing and she's got a fairly fascinating bunch of sex-text links worth exploring on her own blog roll. Also, her archive lists April as "the cruelest month," which, I suppose gives her a little extra lit-nerd street cred. Enjoy.


Blue Donkey Taking a Dump said...

Do you have any of the "indie lingerie" that's advertised on Ms. Chelsea G. Summers' Web site? If so, will you be posting pictures?!

brownrabbit said...

Who are you, my dear blue donkey? If you confess, I will directly send you pictures of me, both with said lingerie and without said lingerie. Promise.

OK, fine. I'm drunk and lying. Still, I'd like it if you confessed your identity before I post any prurient pictures of myself.

That was fairly typo-free, given the admitted drunkenness, right?

brownrabbit said...

I answered back on your turf. You know, you don't have to post the nasty things I say about you, right? It makes me a little bit sad that you, not only take the abuse, but display it in a public forum.

Still, it makes me feel like there's just a little bit extra in my own personal helping of love today.

I do so enjoy sparring with you, my little Joe.

Mister Jimmy said...

I'm drunk, too. But when I get drunk I tell my (ex) girlfriend(s) what I'm really thinking. I think the level of honesty is somehow realted to the quality of alcohol, not necessarily the quantity - discuss.

But I wish you guys would talk nicer to each other: can't we all just get drunk and get along? And what about the children? Doesn't anyone care about the children?

brownrabbit said...

Jim! How nice to hear from you.

And this IS me being nice. Joe likes it. He wouldn't keep coming back for more if he didn't.

But just for you, I'll try not to call him "repressed" on his own blog anymore. I agree, that was an untoward instance of, uh... you called it "honesty," right? I'll just think it in my own little head.