Monday, November 3, 2008

Hillary Duff's redemptive turn

The water main in my office building broke today and, seeing as they couldn't exactly deny 8 floors of people access to porcelain facilities, they sent us home around 1:30 this afternoon. What's a girl to do with a surprise of a free afternoon? Why, watch War, Inc., of course.

As far as movies that satirize the corporatization of the war in Iraq go, I'm sure this one's quite funny. However, it had too many fancy pyrotechnic effects and too many guns and too much John-Cusack-puking-very-unexpectedly for my taste. I don't know if it's some kinda defense mechanism or if I really do get just that bored, but explosions and other action-movie hallmarks make me sleepy as hell. I dozed off a couple times.

Nonetheless, I'm sure it has plenty of incisive and amusing things to tell you. If you can somehow manage to stay awake with bombs going off in your living room, I mean.

Now, I may have derided the oeuvre of Hillary Duff in the past. Though her hambone teenage goopfests have made my list of of go-to hotel-room-viewing choices more than once, I could never claim that anything she's been in has been enjoyable, exactly. Mindless and non-taxing after a day of business travel, perhaps. But not, like, good.

That said, whoever had the idea to cast her as a Middle Eastern pop star in War, Inc. is probably a genius. Sure, her assumed accent is a little sketchy. Yes, she still looks like a white girl-- just a white girl with a lot of kohl around her eyes. And no, she didn't suddenly develop substantive acting chops.

But two of her scenes pretty much make the movie.

In one scene, I swear to god, she fellates the nozzle of a gas pump. Hillary Duff orally ministering to a gas pump-- classic. And in the second, she's all decked out in a Britney-esque slut-erific bridal minidress... and she lays waste to a battalion of mercenaries with some kinda semi-automatic. Yep. Hillary Duff, armed and matrimonial.

I don't know if this movie's really worth watching. I'm sure it's up to something good, but it's not the kind of movie that speaks to my soul. However, in my book, it wins loads of irony points for badassifying one of the cutest of the Disney proteges.

That's an almost-endorsement, right?

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