And also? Thanks for contributing only 50% of my insane hair genes. Really. Thanks, Mom. The other 50%? I'll take that up with Fred...
UPDATE: My mother's very politic email response to this post: "Can I have two favorite children? Remember that movie Sophie's Choice? The worst nightmare ever would be to have to choose between the two most special persons in my life."
My very impolitic and bratty response to my mother's very politic email response: "Sheesh, Mom! The Nazis aren't gonna come get either of us. Can you just let me massage my own ego on my own damn blog? But, fine... fine... my dumb brother can be your favorite, too... if you simply must be so judicial about it."
truly hilarious card. and what a mom, too! cmr.
I know. It's a wonder one so cranky and bitchy as I came out of one so sweet as she. God, if I ever have a kid, I'm gonna be trying to dress it up in skull prints and t-shirts advertising zombie movies... and it's gonna want to wear footie pajamas. I just know it.
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