Most of the work shown there participates in a strange, deconstructed erotic aesthetic. I'm not sure but I'm under the assumption that the name of the gallery is a reference to the famously concupiscent species of chimpanzee. And that association suits my impressions of the work in this gallery well: most of it presents the assorted whimsies and grotesqueries of sexuality in a manner most animal, most playful, most unsentimental.
Among my favorites is this series entitled "Bondage" by the artist LL deMars.

This work is like what might happen if Sir John Tenniel ...

went to the circus with Nobuyoshi Araki.

O, the internet. Such fecund lands.
A bound-Asian chick hanging with her ta-tas exposed ... that's art?!
You know, I once thought Monet, Manet, Tippy-Tippy Day-Day, and other artistes importants were big deals, but you've opened my eyes ...
It ain't "art" unless someone is tied-up, or naked; or tied-up and naked.
Lest you think I'm bustin' on you, my toes curled during "Hard Candy's" pedophile-hanging dénouement; and other things curled during "Nine Song's" overt porn.
Hey, and while I'm at it, lemme say ... Senator Robert Taft for President! He's my guy (look him up).
Gee, Joe--
What's this? A prudish aesthetic sensibility? From a Republican? Whoever heard of such a thing?
And I might also add: my what a simplistic and limited interpretation of Hard Candy and 9 Songs you have!
But for the sake of clarification, I should also say that there is plenty of art that includes neither naked tits nor ropes that I like quite a lot. It's just that I don't deny that that which DOES include those things is also art. So please don't accuse ME of being the one with a limited scope of that which qualifies as valid and interesting creative expression.
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