Monday, September 8, 2008

coming to you, at last, from NE DC ... and chaos abating

I know I said my hiatus was only to last for the duration of August. I know. However, I've had a handful of internet connectivity issues at my new place and my designated work space is only just now beginning to look like something hospitable enough in which to live -- let alone in which to write.

So, this is just to say that my Project Runway money is on Korto this season.

And, after spending a least 2 hours hanging out with my building's chief internet dude this evening (OK, most of that time was because I locked myself out of my condo and he was immensely patient -- and generous with his cellphone minutes-- while we waited for the locksmith (Mercury damn well better give up this retrograde motion nonsense, and quick!)), I have a powerful and robust signal coming from my brand new wireless booster. And that means I can write more to you soon. Soon!


Ginger said...

Congrats on your new place! And my money's on Korto, too, but I'll be satisfied just as long as Suede doesn't win.

brownrabbit said...

Ginger! I win! Joe the Mediocre is gone! However, I think you're right-- Suede's next.

Ginger said...

Oh God, how I crave cable. I settle for Netflix and drive 15 minutes to my parents house to occasionally catch an episode of Project Runway or America's Next Top Model :)

When you spend about 16 hours a day nursing a baby who squirms so much that reading is out of the question, your standards begin to slide. Case in point: I've started downloading Real Housewives of Orange County and episodes of Top Chef that I've already seen at least once. And the quality of the videos is so poor that I can't really tell what's going on. So sad.

Anyhow, I'm glad that Mediocre Joe got the "Ahhoouuuwwwwtt" from Heidi.