Friday, November 28, 2008

Why don't I just open a bakery/get real fat?

Mom's gorgeous challah (Holla!):

My Yankee, or rather, Quebecois version of a chess pie-- tarte au sucre d'erable (maple sugar tart):

Photographs do them no justice.


Mister Jimmy said...

tarte au sucre d'erable (maple sugar tart):
That could be your new - or another - screen-name: sugar tart. I like that.
Pithy; suggestably, sweetly degenerate.
There, it's decided.
(But then that leaves "cupcake" unused.)

brownrabbit said...

ha! thank, Jim-- I'll totally take that as a compliment!

Mister Jimmy said...

As you should. (Maybe combine . . . "Lady Cupcake Sugar Tart"- very "Lady Marmalade-esque" . . . just thinkin' out loud.)

brownrabbit said...

I once brought some of my familially famous honey-walnut mini tarts to one of my poetry workshops in grad school and my prefessor said, "They're kind of like YOU, these mini tarts." I didn't know quite how to take it at the time... but now I tend to think it was a very nice thing for her to say, indeed. Besides, those tarts are DAMN good.

Meanwhile, I approve of my new title. It makes me sounds like I'm the madame at the little-known brothel on the corner of the Candyland game board. Awesome.

Mister Jimmy said...

Well, this is amazing! Since I was just a kid it has been one of my fondest dreams to be on a friendly, first-name basis with the madame of a high-class brothel, talk about awesome!

brownrabbit said...

The cathouse in an imaginary landscape full of gumdrops and peppermint disks is high-class? Who knew?

Mister Jimmy said...

I never got that far, you had me at "madame . . . brothel". I like "cathouse" even better! As long as they have some decent whisky.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the turkey? and your mom's dinner rolls? mmmmmmm, the other food looks scrumptious. Your sweet potato recipe was a HUGE hit at my house--E and my mom made it together. cmr.

brownrabbit said...

Yeah, everyone but my dad-- who somehow thinks all curries suck (are we sure he and I are related?)-- loved the sweet potatoes, too. The dinner rills, but seeing as I've seen them at every major holiday since I've been alive, I did not find them meritorious of a photo. And somehow we got taken off turkey duty.

So glad you had success with the potatoes, though-- they DO rock, don't they?

brownrabbit said...

Uh, something grammatically weird happened above.

There is a sentence that was supposed to read, "The dinner rolls got made, but seeing... meritorious of a photo."

Oops. One day I will learn to proofread.