Sunday, November 19, 2006

my itinerary

Hi, folks! I know my posts have become sporadic over the past couple of weeks but they're about to get moreso. Here's the deal--I'll be in:

Nashville: November 21st-27th (Jon, 'Rents, Cotillionistas-- that means you guys are up first on my social calendar.)
DC: November 28th-December 8th (There may or may not be a martini hour in the works to mark the beginning of my 3rd decade on Dec. 2nd, for anyone local, who's interested.)
Honolulu: December 9th-17th (For anyone who's jealous, trust me, this is gonna be a work trip. Yes, I bought a new bikini because I'm optimistic, but if it doesn't make it out of my suitcase, I won't be surprised.)
LA: The night of the 17th (Brian, you damn well better be up for a midnight beverage. It's been at least 13 years since I've been in LA and at least 7 since I've seen you!)
DC: December 18th-20th (I should be totally incommunicado for most of Monday as I'll have just taken the red-eye in from LA.)
Tucson: December 21st-27th (Anyone in the area who is up for a round of yuletide cheer, well, you should shoot me an email!)

So, long story short, I'll be paying a rather exorbitant sum for "rent" when my apartment is really just a quasi-posh storage unit for all my crap for the next 5 weeks.

I hope everyone has a lovely holiday season--and one that is far less exhausting than mine is likely to be!

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