Sunday, March 4, 2007

This just in

I just took an online poll. The results are as follows:

Do you have a positive or negative impression of Ann Coulter?

Negative: 58%
Postive: 31%
Neutral: 11%

In all seriousness? 31 percent of folks who took the online poll do not recognize the fact that the devil isn't too many branches up on Miss Coulter's family tree. And 11% have doubts about it! And that is some seriously sordid DNA. This is massively insane. Perhaps I'll start going around calling people who disagree with me "faggots." Let's just see how many hearts I can win! Oh, wait, I need some big blonde split ends to flip emphatically about... dammit all. So much for that plan.


Jai said...

the fact that the devil isn't too many branches upWHAT? Marjorie, she IS the devil!

RAAAAAGGGGHHH! What is wrong with this country that people like her get any play at all? Jeez

brownrabbit said...

I think she has too many humanoid features to actually BE the devil... but she is certainly spawn thereof. She makes my chest feel tight... I can hardly stand it that I have to share a plane of existence with her.

But this country loves its irreverent rebels-- and there is something rebellious in her-- rebellious agains all that is good and true in humankind, but rebellious nonetheless.

We can only hope that karma will bite her on the ass... and hard!

Cetaluta said...

I've got no problem with Ann Coulter. You can always turn her off. The simple fact that she and I have opposing political views doesn't mean she shouldn't be allowed to have her say. As Voltaire said, "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Besides,as far as I'm concerned, her referring to John Edwards as a "faggot" is no more censurable than your referring to her as spawn of the devil simply because you don't like her point of view. Shame on you, Marjorie, I thought you were a true liberal. I never would have expected you to display fascist tendencies such as "anyone who disagrees with me should be silenced." That get yer dander up, darlin'? OK, then lay it on. I love it when you get fire in your eyes.

brownrabbit said...

*sigh* Jack, have you no sense of irony? It's funny dammit! Must you be so literal? I was perfectly aware of the hypocrisy in my own post. Otherwise, I wouldna done it.

Cetaluta said...

Darlin, you know I have a grand sense of irony. Why do think I wrote that? Remember - Tease and titillate. Back on topic: They outta make another exorcist movie. I've already got the title, Exorcist IV: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Hugs and kisses, j

brownrabbit said...

please, no green vomit, folks. It offends my dainty sensibilities.