Wednesday, January 2, 2008

look pretty/smell good/have a higher IQ/produce healthier babies through genetic diversity/it all adds up

For your consideration:

Article A: In which the WaPo reviews a book about how smells rule the world. And that's just exactly what I said here and here. None of the studies cited in the review look like new news to me, and the "academic at best, clunky at worst" assessment of the writing has prevented this book from landing on my (already rather unweildy) Amazon wish list, but, you know, it's good to find source materials to back up my crackpot theories.

And Article B: I'm linking this one not because it's new news either, but, rather, because it's got information that I've heard before (information that seems immanently logical, given the way outward indicators reflect genetic strength and overall health) but that seems to go against the pretty-is-as-pretty-does conventional wisdom. The truth is pretty people tend to be healthier, stronger, smarter, AND more reproductively viable BECAUSE their genes are stronger. And being smarter is every bit as much of a Darwinian advantage as having nice tits or a strong jawline, I would think. And so, I quite like this theory. Because nerds are sexy.

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