Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Quite possibly the best blog title in the history of blog titles

So. My fantastic, witty, beautiful and deliciously snarky friend Jen has changed the name of her blog. She's been over there in my blog roll for most of the lifespan of this blog, but her old blog, Princess Sarcasma (which is also a good title, but I mostly think so because I take credit for coining this particular nickname for Jen) is now defunct.

Please welcome (grand fanfare, if you please) Bloodypickle to my new and updated blogroll.

If Jen so desires, she can reveal the source of this completely genius-rific title. But in the meantime, please allow me to bask in its glorious suggestiveness, its coy filthiness, and, well, the fact that she says I'm the first one to think it meant something dirty.


Jen said...

wow, what an absolutely lovely introduction! think I'll leave the meaning behind it secret, seeing as it's apparently quite titillating!!

brownrabbit said...

Let me tell you-- it's so sexy, I wish I it was MY blog title!

Joltin' Django said...

Forgive my ignorance of bloody pickles and such. (I consumed pickled veggies in France,
Austria, Poland, and Russia, but none of 'em were "bloody.") I just wanna let you know what I think 'bout vegetarians, as if you had to guess:


Jen said...

hmmm, does anyone care what you think about vegetarians? not one tiny tiny bit.