Wednesday, August 6, 2008

me and network television

August seems like as good a month as any to take a little hiatus.

I know every time I say I'm going to take a break from blogging, I start writing again-- and that may well happen. But for right now, closing on this condo and moving and having my family in town as my tag-team Moving Aid Committee and all the rest of the vigorous activity that goes along with THAT are making this blog feel like just another thing on my to-do list.

So. I may or may not post between now and August 31st (the day on which I have to be out of my current apartment). I may or may not have something noteworthy to say between now and then. I may or may not lose every last one of my marbles before you hear from me again.

Jon and I are really trying to get our acts together to post some more over on film/foreplay... so hopefully you will see more activity there soon. And, in the meantime, you can all busy yourselves with reading the interesting internet contributions of people in my blogroll. Yes. See that long list of links over there on the right? Yeah, that one. Go there. Click on stuff. Be amazed.

Ciao for now, mes amis!

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