Monday, August 25, 2008

1 of a million reasons I love xkcd so much

(via xkcd)

P.S. Shout out to the guy behind a persistently recurring IP address. Thanks again for opening my eyes (through physical coercion) to the above.

P.P.S. T-minus two days until the movers come for all my most unweildy possessions. Maybe when that's over, I can quit dreaming of attempting to euthanize animals... and of succeeding only in mutilating them very badly. Yeah. This has not been an easy transition. But it's almost over.

And then! I can resume my bloggish delights.


Anonymous said...

no problem; it's the least i can do. to someone of your esteemed horizons and literary depth a little basement dwelling is needed every once in a while, right? ;)
congrats on the house! hope the move is setting up nicely.

brownrabbit said...

Oh, flattery, flattery... And still, we both know I don't need TOO much help filthifying my mind!

Thanks re: house! It should be a good thing... eventually. It's been a relatively un-fun, un-smooth process thus far, though.

Anyway-- good to hear from you!

Sommer said...

happy moving.

brownrabbit said...


I'm officially in the new place now... but my designated work space is still in too much disarray for it to be conducive to writing much. Soon, though. Soon!

I am still sorry I missed your Richmond reading... dammit all!