Saturday, August 26, 2006

Up for discussion

Who would make a better husband, Lloyd Dobbler or David Duchovny?

I'm starting a pro/con list for each. Please feel free to contribute.


Jen said...

I'm going for David Duchovny. He's cute, he's smart, he believes in the possibility of the impossible. How could you not love him? All of that intelligence- albeit UFO knowledge- just makes him soo so sexy. Where are those guys in real life? That's the real question! So, M, who did you pick?

brownrabbit said...

I haven't picked yet. As I said, I'm composing pro/con lists for each. So far, David Duchovny has more things in both categories, because, you know, he's a real person.

Jen said...

You know, I find it helps when the guy is a real person...