Please note, to the right and in the middle, that wedding ring. Alas. Also, genetically speaking, this union would portend bad news in the hair department for prospective offspring. Still, poetry crushes die hard.
Enough already! This gushing sycophanticism simply must end. It does not become me.
PS-- that is a white ball-point pen in my hand, not a cigarette. I'm still a vehement and evangelical non-smoker.
correction of the above paragraph--it should read:
PS--that is a cigarette, not a white ball-point pen in my hand. I'm still vehement, evangelical and a smoker.
your hair looks good dark and short like that (it is shorter than it used to be, right?). the curls look different too--i like it.
Yeah, it's way shorter than I like it. I was just comparing it to my profile photo, and I think I like it better like that. But, yeah, I like it dark, too. It's quite vampy.
A vegan wheat-free smoker? Yeah, it's unconvincing.
looking thin too--must be the cigarettes.
i may have to make a point of it to be in Nashville around late November if you know what i mean.
jealous that I've claimed a new boyfriend, are we?
well, i don't know what you can tell from a face and nothing else, but that guy looks like he would be really cool.
but yes, that was possibly a bit of flirtation--i guess you could call that flirtation with an ex, but i don't think we are eachother's typical exes.
wow, so you met kevin young, i am quite jealous, i'll admit it freely. i picked up 'jelly roll' over the winter, and loved it. that crush is totally justified.
yeah, I know, right? He humored me while I gushed and forced him to sign all my friggin' first editions. He even said I could email him (to put him in touch with folks at the PoCenter in Tucson... but still!).
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