The time has come for the infamous Bird Sofa de Chez Marjorie to find a new home. It's a lovely sofa, it really is. I've taken many a satisfying nap thereupon. However, it's getting replaced by a sexy new clean-cut version. And the sexy new clean-cut version happens to be swathed in a deeply erotic cranberry-red microsuede. *Shivers!* More than likely, it's so sexy that no one will want to buy the new one from me when I'm done with it... if my gist isn't too distastefully blatant. The Bird Sofa, however, is in near-pristine condition, due to the fact that it's been slipcovered most recently. So, despite all the napping, there has been no drooling. And it's for sale!
In a slightly misguided attempt to reach a wider audience, I'm posting about it here, just in case somebody in the greater Washington DC area happens upon my blog and is in desperate need of a sofa with birds on it. For cheap.
You know you want it! You know you have a friend with a truck who'll drive you to Alexandria to pick it up! C'mon... It can be your sexy new clean-cut Bird Sofa!
Just take the flippin' thing, damnit!
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