Here are some favorites (or, rather, ones for whom I can think of exceedingly appropriate recipients):

The internet is so good to me.
And an extra-special thanks to Laura for cluing me into this delicious resource for (in)appropriate cards for every occasion. So, Laura is also so good to me.
I know someone who is going to get one of those special sentiments from me.
While I have you here I've always wondered: why is the "C" word perceived as so antagonistic? Is it because of the consonants, you know, the 'nt' sound? 'Cause, hey, 'cooch' starts with 'c' and it doesn't get the same response; neither does Cooter. In fact, I know someone that has a dog named 'Cooter' so is that offensive?
I can't wait 'til the Nashville Film Festival!
It's Joe who's gonna get the 'thanks for ejaculating elsewhere' sentiment, isn't it? Oh, please tell me it is!
But to answer your question, I'm not real sure why the c-word carries so much baggage. i personally am quite partial to it. i think it's sexy and percussive and, as Jen and i have discussed ad nauseum, there is reaon to believe that it's etymologically derived from some ancient word that meant "sacred cave.' I find that to be tremendously flattering.
I'm not so much a fan of "cooch" as it sounds babyish and my parts are quite grown-up, thank you. And "cooter" just sounds redneck. And i don't really have anything against rednecks-- I just don't find them sexy. So, I say, no, a dog named "Cooter' isn't offensive, except, perhaps, to the poor dog who is named after redneck slang for "vagina." Why don't they just call the poor little dude "Vagina?" "Vagina" certainly has a better musicality.
Don't you mean"va-jay-jay"?
No, the card I'll send will be to someone who made Dec 2007 the Worst Christmas Ever . . . though I may have had a part in it.
Now, excuse me, I can't get caught up in this blogging behavior. I just caught a glimpse of Paula Abdul on Amer Idol. Poor Paula, so misunderstood.
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