Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I know from whence you come.

Several months ago, I installed a little counter on this blog. I've been reticent to draw anyone's attention to it... because, well, the fact that not everyone knows what kinda information that little number on the bottom of the righthand column over there gives me has come in handy, in a number of ways. But good lord, sometimes the search queries are so good that it's been difficult to resist sharing them with you all.

Quite often, I get people looking for all varieties of porn, information about masturbation, circumcision, pictures of celebrity breasts... oh, and when I put up that BeautifulAgony.com link, well, people from ALL OVER are interested in that! I post a lot of stuff about socio-sexual issues...and I'm not exactly shy about the nature of my assorted fixations within the forum that this blog provides. And frankly, I get a little thrill that I attract a racier variety of traffic. My receipt of said thrill should come as a shock to absolutely no one.

But this morning, I swear, I got the weirdest query ever. I'm not sure anyone in the history of the internet has ever entered a weirder query.

Someone googled the question, "What is wrong with a rabbit when brown gooey stuff comes out of him?"

Really. Someone really did ask our modern-day oracle (aka, Google) that very question. I swear it to be true.

However, this prompts a series of queries in my own mind. From which part of the rabbit is the brown gooey stuff coming? Is the rabbit previously deceased? Is this a wild rabbit or a family pet? Why has the querent not already consulted a veterinarian? What's the rabbit's name? What has the querent been feeding said rabbit? What the hell kinda website would actually answer this query???

Truly, this is the mystery for the ages.


jb said...

wow--welcome to the internet. I can't help but feel sorry for the rabbit and its puzzled master

brownrabbit said...

HIS puzzled master. Clearly, the querent designated a gender. This is the greatest insight we have into the nature and identity of the mysterious rabbit.