Thursday, June 7, 2007

Link-happy Afternoon

In case you like movies, food, or the American South, or some combination of the three, or maybe even all three simultaneously: The Potlikker Film Festival

In case you're still relieved that George "Macaca" Allen didn't win the most-tightly-contested-Senatorial-seat-in-the-2006-midterm-elections: download of Jeff Sharlet's forthcoming Rolling Stone article entitled "James Webb's Never-Ending War" (this is a fascinating piece!)

In case you like statistics that reveal deeply intimate stuff about people: (it's healthy, not dirty)


Joltin' Django said...

What the **** is so great about Sen. Jim Webb?

Paleo-conservatives love Webb 'cause he was in Vietnam and he's against the Iraq war and he's a red-faced bad mo' fo' ... but he was a Republican - who said a WHOLE lot of bad things about Bill Clinton, hairhead leftists and the like - until it became politically expedient to become a Democrat;

And Liberals love Webb because he's been willing to parrot's talking points with glee, even to the point of being an uncouth jackass (see his refusal to shake President Bush's hand at a White House state dinner) ... but he's a gun-toting dude who wrote a book about the impressive impact a bunch o' drinkin', smokin', fightin' white guys, i.e., the Scots-Irish, had - and continue to have - on the American Republic.

I have a newsflash for the Webb-lovin' folks at Rolling Stone, GQ, and the DNC ... Gov. Jim Gilmore is going to send back Jimbo Webb back to private life. You read it here first.

brownrabbit said...

It's not that I love Jim Webb all that much. I agree with you in that he stands for some stuff that I like and some stuff that I don't. My point in posting that link is that Sharlet's written a damn fine piece of writing that really clarified, in my mind anyway, BOTH the good and the bad of Jim Webb.

Well, and his being elected ensured a Congressional minority for you guys, Joe. That's REAL fucking good, in my book!

jb said...

I never understood the thing with people writing **** in place of hell, shit, fuck or damn. Everyone reads it in their mind as 'what the fuck', not 'what star star star star' (even born again-sanctified Christians), so what's the point? Its just the same as writing fuck or shit except there are these ridiculous symbols in its place.

Its still very apparent that Webb really shot conservatives in the heart. Remember right before (and even during) the 06 election the Republicans were saying 'well the Dems might have a shot at the House but they don't really have a realistic shot at the Senate. Then as it became obvious on election day that the House would go to the Dems it was still, 'well its alot closer than we thought but at least we will hold on to the Senate. Late Tuesday night it was Webb's victory that brought the whole thing down. I guess it still stings--and from one of their own (fomerly, anyway) no less. Et tu Webb?

brownrabbit said...

For the record, it was actually midday on Wednesday before Macaca conceded.