Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Let me just call myself the prodigal daughter, as I'll be returning.

It's official.

I've booked my tickets. I've gotten leave from my supervisor. I've warned my parents that I'll be camping out in their spare room. I've secured the company of Jon, my usual sparring partner in all things film-related.

Be forewarned: 2008 Nashville Film Festival, here come the brown rabbits, half-rabid and prepared to consume you whole! I still can't afford Sundance, but as this thing's grown to be the 4th biggest film festival in the country and attracts scads of truly fine filmic works, you can color me excited! Pinkly so!

If I see anything near as good as last year's Milk in the Land, I'll consider it worth the trip.

Oooh, I'm all a-tremble!


misterjimmy said...

Now I'm all a-tremble.

brownrabbit said...

Awwww... Jim... that's so SWEET! I mean, you did mean that sweetly, right? Not like I strike the fear to fgod into your heart, right?

brownrabbit said...

uh. I should proofread. "fear to fgod" should read "fear of god."

Jen said...

yay! so when is it, April? and will I be getting the chance to hang with you too?

brownrabbit said...

Of course, of course! I'm coming in the night of April 17th and leaving the afternoon of the 26th. I'm there for a good 9 days and you better come with me to a movie or two! I can hardly wait!

MisterJimmy said...

Still trembling . . . it's a funny kind of trembling though.

brownrabbit said...

In some places, they call that food poisoning. Hope that regulates itself with relative speed!

Jen said...

oh I will def be seeing some films with you! have you any idea what's coming? anything look good so far? I'll have a look at the website, and see what's up!

brownrabbit said...

They haven't posted the listings yet. I'll let you know when they do!