Friday, February 29, 2008

This just about sums it up.

(photo by Paul Sarkis)

For my friends in the GBC. I'll try not to bleed in the batter.

Is it strange that this woman reminds me of my sister-in-law?


Mister Jimmy said...

We have no idea who is GBC but those are nice cupcakes.

brownrabbit said...

HA! As are ALL cupcakes!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this picture. I see that red velvet didn't make the cupcake cut here. Shame on them. cmr

brownrabbit said...

Yeah, during my weird internet meanderings, I've found a number of S&M-themed items that involve cupcakes. Seems the metaphor has been in place long before we thought it up!

Though, one would think, given that context, that red velvet would be featured more prominently. It seems so apropos! Well, future web searches are a'callin'!