Monday, March 31, 2008

...and speaking of prescience...

I was rather idly wondering just the other day if this product existed, as I am nearly, but not quite, as red-headed as I purport to be. And hey! It does!

Thank you, Jen.


Mister Jimmy said...

I couldn't find a product that would do highlights, maybe I just didn't look long enough. All I want is that summer sun-streaked look. Think they have anything like that?

brownrabbit said...

Yeah. It's called "Nude Beach Betty."

Jen said...

so you tried this? and how was it?? I'm dying to know!!

brownrabbit said...

no, no-- didn't try it. Just had the thought a couple of days ago that it would be a good invention. But dammitalltahell, somebody always scoops me on my brilliant inventions.

Jen said...

aww, damn the luck!

well I hope someone I know does this soon, dying to know how it goes!