Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Laughable Contest

OK, so, I know this is only going to be a test of how truly paltry my readership really is. But, I have a new car and *it* (*it* will remain non-gender-specific until appropriate nomenclature is determined) needs a name. My old car was kinda champagne-colored, and because my last name is "Wine," it was only logical that its (it remained un-gendered for the duration of its lifetime) name was "Sparklin'."

The new car is silver. It does not have a cracked transmission case and--this is the best part--the "check engine" lamp isn't even ON!!! That's really all you need to know. Have at it. Name away!

Look at it this way: because so few people read this blog, and even fewer still are going to actually submit a name for consideration, your chances of winning are tremendous!

The prize will be, uh, a congratulatory mention on this very blog. And if I like the winner, and the winner lives within a reasonable proximity to my person, I will also hug the winner. What more could you want?

OK, I'm gonna go ahead and rule out "Poopsy." "Sugar-tits" is still in contention, though. As is "Hagelian Dialectic."

(Nobody call my car "Poopsy," OK?)


jb said...

1.the tin star
2.the silver streak
3.the yellow yoga yugo (would require selling your new car and buying a yugo and probably painting it yellow)
4.Sparklin' II
5.Tonic Tank
7.The Freedom Rider (have to add 'Power of Pride' bumper sticker)
8.The Quadraville Hilltopper (named for the fact that it has four wheels (Quad), came to you from Nashville (ville) and traveled over many hills to get to you in Northern VA (Hilltopper).
10.The Shimmering Flicker Motor Car Experience featuring Patricia Blaze.

If any of these wins then you are in bad shape--but you can give my hug to one of the local D.C. boys.

brownrabbit said...

Wouldn't it be funnier if, instead of "Glitter," I just cut to the chase and called it "Mariah Carey?"

I'm also considering "Kia Sephia," just because it would confuse people.

Anonymous said...

Hey lady,

My two cents:

1) Sadie
2) Survivor (just because your Dad drove it and didn't wreck it!)

Meh - the creative juices aren't flowing as much as I'd like them to right now. Let me check back later...

Tifferoo :)

brownrabbit said...

Other anonymous submissions:

1) Folk Devil
2) Katie Couric
3) Barb
4) Randall
5) Mother of Invention
6) Yer Butt

brownrabbit said...

And also: Barb Randall

brownrabbit said...

My mom suggests "Rankle."

Anonymous said...

Call it "Nice Rack" and be done with.