Saturday, August 25, 2007

Rape prevention, bio-diverse mate selection and funny-looking private parts in the animal kingdom

It seems I've strayed from my path of writing about movies a little bit lately. I will doubtlessly be back on course pretty soon, but in the meantime, I continue to scan the internet for curious little nodes of interest. For example, a couple of months ago, I stumbled upon this article, complete with porn-for-ducks. I don't have a hell of a lot to say about it, except that I was intrigued, and that probably makes me weird. Surprised?

So, then, a couple of days ago, I found another article of a similar ilk.

Seriously, though. Aren't the lengths a body will go to do its part in ensuring the continuation of a species just plain remarkable? I mean, all I do is wear sexy shoes and expand my lipgloss collection on a regular basis. If I had to grow a corkscrew vagina or a psuedo-penis in order to make sure my babies were healthy, I'm not sure I'd be up for the job.

Cheers to you, ducks and hyenas! Thanks for doing your share to maintain diversity within the gene pool. And also for setting such inspiring examples of the benefits of consensual sex.

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