Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I am not the FCC

I have a real problem with censorship. Perhaps I've alluded to this problem before. If all the slutty things I discuss here on a regular basis don't even register on my morality-o-meter, censoring people virtually blasts the mercury out the top of the tube, as it represents the ultimate in infringement upon the rights of another-- an act I classify as truly wrong. Using whatever tiny modicum of power I have as a blog administrator to silence the things people might have to say here does not feel right-- no matter how "inappropriate" I find their comments.

Hence, as a matter of principal, no matter how irksome I've found comments to be, I've only ever deleted my own comments. This is, pretty much, an anything-goes space.

However, Jon and I have started this new blog (plug!) and, right away, we got a couple of strange comments. Jon and I had a conversation about these comments and we agreed that the best thing to do was to delete them. But because this goes against my basic blog-comment ethic, I feel like I need to explain that decision.

Firstly, I should say that, if the commentator had made the comments on THIS blog, I most certainly would have let them stand. I probably would have called him out on them and made a big show about it-- but I would have let them stand. And don't think I'm above making a scene when I think someone crosses a line. But I would never prevent a person from saying whatever he or she thinks need be said.

Also, our new film/foreplay blog is not about me, or my pornographic fantasies, or my feminist musings or whatever else. It's a fun project that Jon and I have begun and, though it's got a sexy title, it's not about sex. It's about film. And we intend to maintain its purity of subject matter. Beyond that, it's also half Jon's. It's just not a good forum in which one might proffer sexual come-ons to me.

I should also say that the comments themselves were slightly troubling on a few levels, beyond their ostensible creepiness. For one thing, their writer was a person who is just barely an acquaintance of mine. I run into this person fairly frequently, but our interactions are not social (and no, I don't work with him either). The overt nature of the comments caught me off-guard because this person does not actually know me at all-- nor do I know him. Also, they were ungrammatical to the point of bordering on nonsensical. I wonder, actually, if someone might have been partaking of some drunk-blog-commenting fun last night. If not, well, then, the comments might just have been... slightly... you know... infuckingsane!

And then there is the fact that they bore a strange fetishized, exoticized variety of racist sentiment. I think Jon probably objected to that above and beyond their overall creepy tone (correct me if I'm wrong here, Jon)-- and I can hardly blame him. Indeed, I found this undercurrent very troubling, too. Again, had it been said on my blog, I would have parsed it out and shown everyone just exactly WHY such a thing would offend me (us), but we decided that film/foreplay was not the right place for that discussion either.

But above all, the comments contained a blatant request for my participation in a particular sex act. I'll be honest-- it tested the limits of my libertinism. It's not that I'm offended by the act suggested, so much as I had never, ever given this man any indication that I might be open to such a thing out here in real life. I realize the abstraction of internet communications creates just enough distance so that people feel as though they can say things outside of their normal social inhibitions-- god knows, I'm guilty of that, too. And yes, I know that the image of myself that I've cultivated in this blog could lead those who don't know me very well to assume that I'd throw down with anyone, anywhere. But I wouldn't. Given the proper context, yeah, I'm pretty sexually uninhibited-- but I'm the one that gets to decide which contexts are proper, ok?

Some might say that, with all the stuff I write here, I'm asking for this kind of attention. Of course, that assumption smacks of that old stupid argument about how girls who wear short skirts in sketchy neighborhoods are "asking to be raped"... but I'm digressing. For the sake of the argument, let's just say that maybe I am asking for the attention. But I think it should be very clear that I'm asking for it HERE, in the safe little confines of this blog-- and no where else. Not on Jon's and my joint blog. And not in real life (I am not a subtle signal-sender in real life-- you'll know when I want you).

From here on, please be advised: if you have something to say about Jon's or my top-5 lists, you're more than welcome to say it on film/foreplay. If you've got something of another nature to say to me, say it here. And I'll address it here. Or, better yet, if you'd rather I not publicly (metaphorically) rip you any new anal openings, how about you say it in private?

So, dear reader, the short answer to your question is "no". Talented though I may have been, I declared a moratorium on my clit-licking several years ago, thanks. I don't care WHO'S wife she is.

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