Friday, May 16, 2008


At the inception of this blog, Jon and I had spent some time theorizing about co-writing a film blog in which we debated with each other. Essentially, we were getting into these arguments pretty much every time we went to the theater together. And they weren't polite, erudite little arguments. We'd come out of them bruised and achy, and duly committed to never becoming a couple. So, we devised this plan for saving the battle for the blogs, whereby we thought we might avoid killing each other.

That idea is from whence these little brown bunnies were birthed. Of course, this blog's become something quite other than a simple film blog. It's my writerly outlet as well as a place in which I can talk about all the political/feminist stuff that's always on my mind. Obviously, it's a catch-all for articles and other internet foragings, too. It's provided something of a foundation and a motivation for my future graduate studies. And it's mine, all mine.

So, then, Jon had this great idea that maybe we should start a blog that's not so much a he-said-she-said debate, but one that's mostly composed of top-5 lists of our favorite films in various categories (with the occasional critical interjection tossed in for good measure).

And we've done it.

I am hereby announcing the launch of Jon's and my spankin' new joint blog, film/foreplay.

We're hoping that everyone who reads our solitary blogs will be tempted to pop over and watch us go at it like pissed-off pterodactyls every now and again. It should be loads of good, combative fun.

Now, go!

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