Monday, June 30, 2008

Holy hell! Can I call myself "landed gentry" now?

This post is, perhaps, yet another example of me jumping the proverbial gun. But, I picked out paint colors yesterday-- and didn't actually hear that my offer had been accepted until this afternoon. And in like fashion, I just have to SHARE! NOW! Before it's even really official!

Here's a sketch of my new building (for some reason I can't download the real photo):

I'm on the 2nd floor and my windows are the two facing front and four running along the left side.

And here's a photo of its pretty, brand new kitchen!

Well, sorta-- that's not actually MY unit-- my windows are along the side. But you roughly get the picture, right?

If I was a cheerleader, I'd do spirit fingers AND a hurky.

If I was a tele-evangelist, I would praise Gawd and say "Amen."

If I was Paris Hilton, I'd narrow my eyes to slits and tell you, with measured sedation, how hot homeownership is.

But I'm me, so, I'm merely giggling and beginning to obsess about how skinny I'll get walking everywhere once I sell my chariot! Only 6 blocks from a metro, though! Can you believe it?

Now, please cross your collective fingers that all inspections, signing of contracts and whatever other important, grown-up duties I'll have go off hitchlessly.



jb said...

congratulations. you know july is gonna drag by while you wait for everything to become official so you can move in to your (your) new place.

brownrabbit said...

I'd like to think that would be the case-- but I'm afraid there will be loads of crap to do in the meantime-- not the least of which includes packing everything I own all by myself!

I wish I had minions.

jb said...

or maybe some Oompa-Loompas.

Jen said...

doing spirit fingers for you! and I would do a herky for you, except that, well I'm a bit old. I do still have my cheerleading shoes, though!
and I like the kitchen- looks cozy.

brownrabbit said...

... and I'll bet you even spelled that word right. Having been a rather dour and uncoordinated young girl, I do not have such firsthand knowledge of the terminology. And I was really not cheery at all.

But thanks! And yeah, this kitchen is cute. I'm just hoping it's got enough room for all the fancy gadgets my mom has bought for me over the years!

Wanna come visit? And, uh, help me paint?

Anonymous said...

This doesn't look like a 6-unit building, so I assume this is Not rainbows and Catalina??

Jen said...

yeah I wasn't cheery at all myself, but was the only one who could do all the fancy tricks... oddly enough.
I would love to help you paint, but I'll have to decline, as paint is one of those off-limits things for me!
Are there no cute young neighbors around to help you out?

brownrabbit said...

I have yet to meet a single neighbor. I will keep you posted. There has GOT to be at least one attractive, non-idiotic, non-stalkerish person in this city who happens to have a cock but doesn't happen to have a wife. Right? Right??

Sommer said...

your kitchen has so much light! i'm completely jealous.