Monday, May 7, 2007

Day 2

The good news is that my headache has abated, to a degree. It's still there but I can think again, which is always nice.

The bad news is that I've been hungry for most of the day.

I forced myself to drink a smoothie made of berries and almonds and a banana well before my hunger cue had kicked in for the day, mostly because I couldn't think of a good way to transport the stuff to work. What would they do if I showed up with my mini-cuisinart and a frozen banana? And then I got to eat 3 plums.. which I tried to drag out all morning because the early smoothie kick-started my appetite. I made it all the way to 10:30 before I was eying the remains of a chocolate bar, still on my desk from my previous life... uh... last week. And then around 11:30, I caved and figured I'd better go investigate the large bowl of chopped raw vegetables I'd brought for lunch. It included alfalfa sprouts, yellow bell pepper, cherry tomatoes, cucumber and the better portion of a bulb of fennel. To dress that big bowl of health, I was allowed a tablespoon of flaxseed oil, some lime juice, an insane amount of garlic and cayenne pepper. I've been eating so much garlic the last couple of days, I don't know how much fun it is to hang out with me. Fortunately for me, I cannot smell myself! And then, my afternoon snack consisted of celery and cucumber sticks for the dipping into tahini. And you know? The first few bites of tahini all by itself (as opposed to in its proper place amongst chickpeas and lemon juice) are ok. But long about your 7th or 8th bite, it occurs to you that tahini tastes a lot like snot. And so, I deemed snack time over. When I finally decided that I was going to vacate my miserable job for the evening, I rushed home because I was already starving and knew I had at least an hour of cooking ahead of me. And here I sit, shoveling down a bowl of pureed vegetable soup that was just awful until I added a buttload of the approved herbs and spices. It's still bland and less satsifying than the squash/potato thing I made last night. I think, in a little while, I get to eat a bowl of fruit with some pecans on top. While I'm sure this sounds festive to all of you, I'm really beginning to doubt my commitment to the post-detox fast part. If I'm this hungry while I'm still eating solid food... yeah, I just don't know...

Man, I'd really love a burger and some icecream right about now.

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