Sunday, May 6, 2007

Should I be disappointed?

So, not very much happened with my salt water flush except that initially, I felt very thirsty and very bloated... and then I drank more water and got more bloated. And then I got a little crampy sort of stomachache and then I got very very cold. And then, I expelled a very small quantity of matter. So, though I followed the directions to a T, I guess it's possible that I did it wrong? But then maybe because my usual diet is rather fiber-heavy to begin with, maybe there wasn't a whole lot backed up there? Yeah, I dunno.

So, now that I've arisen and begin the first day of eating monastically, I have fed myself a rather chewy smoothie of orange, papaya, coconut and cinnamon. It tasted quite nice but is no substitute for my Misha's Route 66 Dark Roast Blend. I have a little headache and I think I'm psychosomatically hungry. I mean, I rarely eat much of anything beyond coffee until 10 or 11 in the morning (assuming I've arisen around 6), but the idea that I now have to wait a couple of hours until I allow myself a lovely morning snack of 1 apple and 1 pear (both, unfortunately, out of season) incites in me a deep desire to go gorge on cookies.

I will stay strong.


Jen said...

I don't think you should be disappointed.... more like happy you have a very healthy & fiber filled diet! And good for you for giving this a go, tough stuff this is.

brownrabbit said...

Well, my little headache has progressed to being a blinding and dizzy-making headache. The good part about that is that it's taking the edge of the hunger. I've taken myself off caffeine before and the first day is usually miserable. I'd go off it permanently because i don't think I need the stimulant too often but I miss the taste of coffee and tea so much. I feel similarly about wine. I don't really need to alcohol.. but I miss the taste when I don't have it.