Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Traffic of the weird

Ever since my post about The Urim and Thummim a couple of days ago in which I briefly mentioned my feelings about circumcision, I've been getting in inordinate amount of traffic from folks either looking for information about or pictures of said ritual. And, apparently, it's something of a hot button because a bunch of other bloggers are railing against it, too.

So I figured I'd post a link to this review in The New Republic about a documentary about a Jewish spy who was able to operate undetected among Nazis in Egypt primarily because his parents had the foresight to allow him to keep his foreskin. I don't know how many stories there are about people's lives being saved by the status of their genitals-- and this film looks completely fascinating for a slew of other reasons --but I figured the existence thereof merited a heads-up post all of it's own.

For now, I'll be, um, breathlessly (?) anticipating the mainstream release of The Champagne Sky.

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