Thursday, May 10, 2007

Day 5: stop giving me shit, people!

So, it seems some friends are starting to give me some flack about how unhealthy "fad diets" are and whatnot. This thing that I'm doing is called the Master Cleanse and versions of it have been around for centuries. You can follow this link if you simply must have more information, but I can assure you: it's perfectly safe. Grade B maple syrup is loaded with minerals and assorted vitamins-- not to mention sugar (i.e., calories)-- and let's keep in mind, I'm drinking about a cup and a half of it every day! And lemon juice is a natural antiseptic that kills all kinds of bad stuff. And the cayenne is just yummy. OK, that's just because I like it. Really, I think the concoction tastes pretty good-- and I'm not just saying that because I haven't eaten anything in two days. But folks, seriously. I'm fine. I need to get the evil, toxic, sickening, rash-inducing prescription drugs out of my system. If I go to a conventional doctor, he or she will poopoo my anxieties about taking drugs and then prescribe something new and even more evil. I've taken that avenue before and at this point, I feel like conventional medicine is for emergencies only. If I had to ask someone to sew my arm back on, sure, I'd go to a hospital. But little day-to-day ailments? I do believe that you can use food as medicine -- and as much as I love many things that aren't so good for me, I have to acknowledge the fact that I really do feel a lot better when I don't eat those things. So, folks, lay off it! I'm not trying to kill myself or do damage to my internal organs or starve myself skinny or anything of that nature. I want these toxins out of my body... and I want them out NOW! I don't think this is unreasonable.

However, after that big long disclaimer, I find that I must admit that I'm beginning to lose faith in this project. I was actually far less hungry today than I was yesterday. I feel perfectly normal, actually. I'm having these doubts today mainly I don't think I'm really experiencing too many of the detox symptoms. I'll spare you the details and let the curious follow this link. Except, maybe, I've gotten a little of the tongue-coating thing but I really attribute that back to the maple syrup. It's a hell of a lot of sugar that I'm ingesting. It's only natural that it would do that to the inside of my mouth.

But I'm thinking, well, I don't smoke (not one cigarette in my entire life, thank you) and I drink, really, very little alcohol. I eat meat maybe two or three times a week and, outside of the tablespoon of cream I put in my coffee, dairy things are kind of special-occasions food items for me. So, the worst that I do to myself is that I eat more wheat than I should-- though I try to do whole grains as much as possible-- and the one single cup of coffee in the mornings. My point is that maybe I'm already pretty clean? With the exception of two rounds of antibiotics in the last year (both of which I reacted to) and about three nights last month where I had to take a decongestant so I could sleep, well, how toxic could I be?

Seeing as I feel ok, I think I could probably pull this out for a while if I had to. But I'm not sure I see the point when I feel pretty confident that my body will have gotten rid of the majority its bad stuff by, like, Saturday. And I'm not sure that continuing this just to test my mental fortitude is all that great a reason to do so. My goal is still to hold out until the end of Sunday... and I guess I'll assess if I want to keep going when I get there.

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