Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Marjorie's Post-Fast Soup of Vegan Fun

1 tbsp cold-press extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp cold press organic flax seed oil
1 large yellow onion
4 stalks celery
4 small carrots
2 cloves garlic
1 cup green lentils
8 cups water
3 small turnips
5 baby Yukon gold potatoes
4 small baby sweet potatoes (or one medium-sized regular one)
1 small yellow summer squash
4 big leaves of bok choi
2 medium-sized tomatoes
1 cup chopped green beans
4 leaves green kale (you can also add turnip greens here if you want more greens--I couldn't find them at the store)
1 1/2 tbsp chopped fresh ginger
1 long stalk fresh lemon grass
2 tbsp fresh basil leaves
2 tbsp fresh cilantro
the juice of 2 limes
1 1/2 tbsp salt
a generous splash of soy sauce
cayenne pepper (if you've just been through the fast, you should be able to tolerate quite a bit of cayenne)

In a large pot (the biggest I've got is my Dutch oven and it was overflowing by the end of this process), saute the chopped onion in the olive and flax seed oils until it begins to become translucent. Add the chopped celery and carrots and cook until they begin to soften. Then add the garlic and saute until fragrant. Add the lentils and stir so that they become coated with the oil and heated through. Then add 6 cups of the water and bring to a good simmer.

Once the water is hot, add the chopped turnips, potatoes and sweet potatoes. While those are beginning to cook, chop the rest of the vegetables. Add the squash and green beans and let them begin to cook first. Then, several minutes later, add the tomatoes, bok choi and kale. Sprinkle with salt. Add in the ginger, lemon grass, lime juice, soy sauce and cayenne. If you've been chopping vegetables as you go, it will likely have taken you about 45 minutes to an hour from the time you started sauteing the onions, so the lentils and root vegetables should be cooked through. Be careful not to overcook the vegetables or the soup will lose its fresh taste and begin to taste like every other boring vegetable soup you ever had.

At the last minute, stir in chopped basil and cilantro leaves. And then thank whatever or whoever you usually pray to that food exists. Be happy and feel virtuous, you, with your plaque-free colon! You survived!

After you serve the first bowl, add the remaining 2 cups of water because you will have drained most of the broth. You'll have enough leftover to eat for the next couple of days while your body re-acclimates to having food in it.

And in case you're wondering, yes, I made this up all by myself. The Whole Foods produce section can be immensely inspiring when you haven't eaten for a week.

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