Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Having cool friends

A couple of months ago, I learned that Kore Press, a Tucson small, indie press that publishes women writers, had picked up my friend Spring's book for publication. Seeing as I've known for a long time that the world is in desperate need of her work and her passion and her wholehearted activistic philosophy, I couldn't have been more thrilled for her and for the rest of us that get to read her forthcoming book, Benjamin's Spectacles. However, the book won't be out until later this summer.

In the meantime, please head over to the Kore Press blog, where Spring has posted a delicious, sensitive, thoughtful and moving essay about the state of political poetry today and why political poetry is still valid, important, and worth our time 40 years after the fieriest moments of the Civil Rights movement. And why it's still good writing.

And, for more of her writings, the link to Spring's blog about her work in Rwanda is here. There's some of her great photography and drawings there, too.

As much as I'm glad that I get to be friends with a cool and amazing woman like Spring, I'm equally glad that there are folks like her fighting the real fight-- and that the world has access to the full import of what I'm inclined to call her "mission." So, this is me, doing my part to spread the word of her good deeds and good writings.

Thank you, Spring, for all you do.

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